
McCloud provides a generic service implementation of Monte Carlo method, based on Microsoft Windows Azure, to solve a wide range of scientific and engineering problems.

View the Project on GitHub americocunhajr/McCloud

McCloud: Monte Carlo Cloud Service Framework provides a generic service implementation of Monte Carlo method, based on Microsoft Windows Azure, to solve a wide range of scientific and engineering problems.

The framework was developed in the context of the following master’s thesis:

The original code and documentation of the framework can be downloaded in the Codeplex official repository:

This GitHub repository stores the codes and results related to a Monte Carlo simulation in a structural system that was used as a benchmark test for the framework. Details can be seen in the following paper:


Citing McCloud

We ask the code users to cite the following manuscript in any publications reporting work done with McCloud:

  author  = {R. Nasser},
  title   = { {McCloud} service framework: development services of {M}onte {C}arlo simulation in the cloud},
  school  = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro},
  year    = {2012},
  address = {Rio de Janeiro},
  note    = {(in Portuguese)},
  author  = {A. {Cunha~Jr} and R. Nasser and R. Sampaio and H. Lopes and K. Breitman},
  title   = {Uncertainty quantification through {M}onte {C}arlo method in a cloud computing setting},
  journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
  year    = {2014},
  volume  = {185},
  pages   = {1355-1363},
  doi     = {},

Institutional support
